Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Indian Army, Bangalore 7 Junior Commissioned Officer (Catering) Last date to apply : 11/01/2014

Indian Army, Bangalore 7 Junior Commissioned Officer (Catering) 

Posts : Junior Commissioned Officer
Qualification : 10+2, Diploma
Salary :  Rs. 9300-34800 p.m
Location : India

Last date to apply : 11/01/2014

The Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity (DAVP) is the nodal agency to undertake multi-media advertising and publicity for various Ministries and Departments of Government of India. Some of the Autonomous Bodies also route their advertisements through DAVP. As a service agency, it endeavours to communicate at grass roots level on behalf of various Central Government Ministries.
The origin of DAVP can be traced to the times of World War-II. Immediately after the out-break of Second World War, the erstwhile government of India appointed a Chief Press Advisor. Besides other things, advertising was also the responsibility of the Chief Press Advisor. A post of Advertising Consultant was created in June 1941 under the Chief Press Advisor. This is where DAVP has its roots. On March 1, 1942, the Advertising Consultant Office became the Advertising Branch of the Department of Information & Broadcasting. Following the expansion in its scope, functions and activities, this Advertising unit was declared an Attached Office of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting on October 1, 1955. The office also assumed the name of Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity(DAVP). DAVP was further declared as Head of a Department on April 4, 1959. By virtue of this declaration, financial and administrative powers were delegated to DAVP.
Our Role :
DAVP has been working as a catalyst of social change and economic growth over the years. It has been instrumental in creating awareness amongst masses on socio-economic themes, seeking their participation in developmental activities and for eradication of poverty and social evils.
  • 1. To perform the functions of a multi-media advertising agency for the Central Government.
  • 2. To act as service agency for Central Government ministries/departments to meet their publicity needs including production of media inputs as well as dissemination of messages/information.
  • 3. To help Central Government departments in formulating communication strategies/media plans and help implement them at the grass-root level by providing multi-media support.

The channels of communication used are :
  • 1. Advertisements - Release of press ads
  • 2. Exhibitions - Putting up exhibitions
  • 3. Outdoor Publicity - Display of hoardings, kiosks, bus panels, wall paintings, cinema slides, banners etc.
  • 4. Printed Publicity - Booklets, folders, posters, leaflets, calendars, diaries etc.
  • 5. Audio & Visual Publicity - Spots/Quickies, jingles, sponsored programmes, short films etc.
  • 6. Mailing of publicity material - Distribution of publicity material
  • 7. Digital media publicity through Bulk SMS website and other emerging Media.

The main set-up of DAVP at the headquarters consists of :
  • 1. Campaign Wing - for coordinating publicity campaigns
  • 2. Advertising Wing - for release of press advertisement
  • 3. Outdoor Publicity Wing - for display of outdoor publicity material
  • 4. Printed Publicity Wing - for printing of publicity material
  • 5. Exhibition Wing - for putting-up exhibitions
  • 6. Mass Mailing Wing - for distribution of publicity material
  • 7. Audio-Visual Cell - for production of audio/video programmes
  • 8. Studio with DTP facility - for designing
  • 9. Copy Wing - for making copy
  • 10. Coordination Cell - for coordinating PQs,VIP ref., Parl.Committees
  • 11. Electronic Data Processing Centre - for processing of bills.
  • 12. Accounts Wing
  • 13. Administration Wing

DAVP has a network of offices spread all over the country. DAVP has:-
  • 1. Two Regional Offices at Bangalore and Guwahati to coordinate the Directorate's activities in the region.
  • 2. Two Regional Distribution Centres at Calcutta and Chennai look after distribution of publicity material in eastern and southern regions, respectively.
  • 3. 35 Field Exhibition Units which include seven mobile exhibition vans, seven family welfare units and 21 general field exhibition units.
  • 4. Regional Exhibition Workshop at Chennai and
  • 5. Exhibition Kit Production Centre at Guwahati assist the Exhibition Division at headquarters in designing and fabricating exhibits.

Some of the important subjects publicised by DAVP include:-
  • 1. Health & Family Welfare
  • 2. Drug Abuse & Prohibition
  • 3. Women & Child Development
  • 4. Upliftment of Girl Child
  • 5. Education
  • 6. Adult Education
  • 7. Non-Conventional Energy Sources
  • 8. Mahila Samridhi Yojana
  • 9. National Integration & Communal Harmony
  • 10. Creating public opinion against dowry, female infanticide,child labour, beggery etc.
  • 11. Blood Donation
  • 12. AIDS Awareness
  • 13. Consumer Protection
  • 14. Safe Drinking Water
  • 15. Welfare of the Handicapped
  • 16. Water-Borne Diseases
  • 17. Handicrafts
  • 18. Social Welfare Programmes
  • 19. Agriculture
  • 20. Food & Nutrition
  • 21. National Social Assistance Programmes
  • 22. TRYSEM
  • 23. IRDP
  • 24. DWCRA
  • 25. Employment Assurance Scheme
  • 26. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
  • 27. Panchayati Raj and
  • 28. Commemoration of 50 Years of India's Independen

Check Official Advt.


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